Top 5 Tuesday: Things I’m Enjoying While in Isolation

Hello, wonderful people.

Today I’m sharing Top 5 Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm.

This week’s topic isn’t book-related, as Shanah “decided to change things up because we all need to smile, laugh, be motivated, and have something to look forward to.” I wholeheartedly concur.

By the by, if you are interested in participating in Top 5 Tuesday, please remember to ping back a specific post of Shanah’s in your post so she gets a notification, and she will add you to the participants list!


Top 5 Sanity Savers–Things I’m Enjoying While in Isolation

1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Not going to lie, I’ve stayed up late a few nights (at least) playing this game for the Switch. I resisted getting into it when it first came out last month, but now it’s a wholesome distraction. And it’s something soothing to look forward to.

2. Daily Meditation

Okay, this one might be a bit of a head scratcher. How can you enjoy meditating? you might ask. I can’t say I enjoy it, per se, but it’s definitely a sanity saver right now. It gets me to sit still, to focus on my body and my breath, which helps me to stay grounded.

I use the app Headspace to listen to guided meditations with the husband. A lot of meditation and mindfulness apps exist out there besides Headspace; Calm is one I’ve used before and liked.

3. Socializing–from a safe distance, of course

I’ve found that socializing virtually with friends has been quite important and a true sanity saver during this difficult time. (This coming from the queen of homebodyness and spending time alone.)

Chat and messaging apps like Discord and What’sApp are my go-to for staying in touch–and hanging out virtually with friends. Discord is great for clubs, communities, and groups of friends to communicate via text, voice, and video, and it’s free.

I’m lucky that my local group of friends is extremely supportive. I miss seeing them in person, but using the apps at my disposal has provided the next best thing.

4. Bookish Podcasts

Fated Mates is one of my favorite podcasts. I go through cycles of listening regularly to podcasts, and I recently jumped back into this one, which is co-hosted by author Sarah MacLean and romance critic Jen Prokop, to catch up. The most recent episodes actually gave me some hope in humanity.

Smart Podcast Trashy Books is the lovely podcast of the fantastic blog Smart Bitches Trashy Books. I’ve been listening on and off for years. Just as with Fated Mates, the most recent episodes have given me hope, and I’ve enjoyed them.

5. Coloring

I find coloring with adult coloring books relaxing (plus it’s something to do with my hands while listening to a podcast or audiobook). I especially enjoy coloring mandala designs.

I’ve amassed a collection of coloring books–all gifts from people who know me–but you can find free coloring pages online. Here’s an example: free printable elephant coloring pages for adults from Easy, Peasy, and Fun, a website that shares crafty projects for kids and their adults.

What are some of the things you’re enjoying while in isolation? What’s saving your sanity?

Until next time, friends! Stay safe.